What to expect from your LEP Fitness experience…

There’s a huge amount work that goes into providing the LEP Experience. Every imaginable detail is well thought out and tested, with the aim of providing each customer with the best experience possible. In this post, i’ll explain exactly what to expect from your experience…
A Master Craftsman…
Once we’ve decided to work together and we have a clear objective to work towards, i’ll go to work behind the scenes. Like a carpenter in his workshop, i’ll go away and create a customised plan of action, which is designed to help you reach your goals as quickly as possible.
Warm Greetings
When you turn up to your session(s) you’ll be greeted with a warm smile, I’ll ask you about your day, and we’ll spend a few minutes catching up on recent events: training, nutrition and just general stuff!
The Warm Up
We’ll then warm up, either in the private gym or outside (especially if it’s sunny!). The warm up like any part of the LEP experience is set up to be fun, enjoyable and varied. Warm ups include anything from: jogging, foam rolling, fun games, skipping, stretching, agility ladders and football (yep I have a football net!) – anything to get the heart pumping, muscles warm and joints lubricated!
The Main Session
This is the time we invest towards achieving your goals. Every session is an opportunity to take one step closer to achieving the results you want. You’ll be taken through your session step by step, we’ll go through techniques, and make-sure you’re doing everything possible to maximise results.
Cool Down
After your session it’s extremely common to leave feeling on a high – as the ‘feel good’ endorphins surge around your body at rapid speed, leaving you feeling stronger in mind, body and spirit. We’ll take a moment to cool down the body, reflect on the session and iron out any tight muscles with a light stretch.
Training Preference (indoor or outdoor)
Most of the training sessions take place in the private LEP gym studio, although some people prefer to train outdoors (especially in good weather!) We accommodate for both indoor and outdoor training (whatever your preference).
Music Preferences
Typically there will music on in the background of your session(s), i’ll ask you about your music preferences and we’ll put on your favourite songs and artists. Some clients prefer me to select the music and others prefer no music – both can be arranged to suit your preferences.
The Perfect Temperature
Too cold? I’ll put the heating on. Too hot? I’ll open the windows and blast the cool fan air around the room. It’s hugely important at LEP that we provide the most comfortable training environment possible, and we know that finding the right temperature makes the world of difference.
A Clean, Healthy Environment
Mirrors are cleaned, benches and equipment are wiped down, floors are brushed, carpets hoovered, and equipment is neatly presented to each and every client.
Waited on Hand and Foot
I’ll set up all of the equipment before your session and pass you the correct weights, as we work through your session plan. I’ll even adjust the benches, put the weights back – endeavouring to make your life easier and so your session runs as smoothly as possible.
Home Comforts
Before each session a new, freshly washed towel is placed on the towel rack for you to use.
Drinks Selection
If your thirsty i’ll make you a water, or a squash. If you need a caffeine boost i’ll happily make you a tea or coffee.
Full Support
Whilst working together you’ll be able to contact me at any point via: e-mail, phone, or Whatsapp! There’s never a question to big or small that I wont try my best to help you with.
Going the Extra Mile…
Here at LEP Fitness we care about our customers wants and needs. We know that every detail matters and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our service and customer experience.
From the moment you enter to the moment you leave LEP Fitness, Our aim is to provide the highest level of service and we will not settle for anything less.

Nick Screeton (Founder of LEP Fitness)