Why Getting Testimonials For Your Personal Training Business Is Key…
Getting testimonials for your personal training business is an absolute MUST. It’s one of the BEST ways to attract new customers to your business.
I Can Vouch For It (It Works!)…

At the moment I receive on average 30 new enquires per month for my own personal training business LEP Fitness. When a client visits me for a consultation, I always ask…
“How did you hear about LEP Fitness, and why did you choose to come today?”
9x out of 10 it’s either a referral from another client, or because of my testimonials on my website!
I have over 100 hundred testimonials on my site, and most people say… it’s because they read a testimonial that struck a cord with them, which then encouraged them to get in touch. Testimonials are such an important part of attracting new customers, and if you don’t gather testimonials YOU ARE SERIOUSLY MISSING OUT on lots of business.
Why Testimonials?
Testimonies work, because they show SOCIAL PROOF – that means that people are likely to trust you much more quickly, and subconsciously think… “all of these people say this person is a great trainer – so they must be right!” – this is so important.
In a world packed full of personal trainers – you need to stand out. One of the ways to do this is to get AMAZING REVIEWS.
Tips For Testimonials…
My tips, would be to ask clients for a testimonial after a great result, or after a period time of working together (2-6 months). Once they’ve written the review, ask them to share on FB and ask to take a pic and add it to your website, and social.
You can also use your testimonials to promote your business via your social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc). Here are some examples of what I do…

Video Testimonials…
Another FANTASTIC way to show off your testimonials is to do a video of your clients. I did this for my business earlier this year, and again, lots of people who’ve booked in for a consultation with me, say they watched the video and really liked what they saw.
You can check out the video here…
I did my video using a GoPro camera and I edited it in iMovie. I asked clients questions such as:
- What results have you achieved since working with LEP Fitness?
- Whats the best part of training with LEP?
- What would you say to people thinking of joining?
Then I edited the video, to make it look sharper and be more concise. I would highly recommend doing this alongside your written testimonials.
I can guarantee that if you get more testimonials for you personal training website… that you will 100% receive more enquiries, get leads, and most importantly… get more paying customers! Trust me… it works!
Attention Personal Trainers!

Would you like more help with your personal training business?
Would you like to get fully booked up? With 30+ sessions per week?
Want to earn more money?
Help your clients get amazing results?
Build a business that you can show off and be extremely proud of?
If you said YES to the above…then you MUST check out my ebook – The Ultimate Guide To Building Your Personal Training Business – It’s 85 pages, and full of knowledge bombs, that will have you fully booked up in no time – pick up your copy of the ebook here – I’m on a serious mission to help as many personal trainers as possible to build up the business of their dreams and to be “fully booked up” – helping more people and earning serious money! Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Thanks for reading,

Nick 🙂