Why Meditating for Just 10 Minutes Per Day Can Dramatically Boost Health & Happiness!
I’ve been meditating 6 days per week for the last 5 months and I feel frickin incredible! I used to think meditating was for crazy people: monks, dressed in robes, sat cross-legged on a spacious hillside, making all these weird, zen humming noises “hmmmmmmmm!”.
Although meditation can be done like this, I’ve come to realise that it’s much more about spending quality time with yourself. It’s the opportunity to take a break out of the chaotic world. A time to sit in peace and quite, recharge the batteries and listen to what’s going on upstairs in the brain.
Happier & Heathier…
Since meditating my life has dramatically improved. I’m healthier, fitter and overall much happier. Often the highlight of my day is the 10-20 minutes I spend in silence. It’s kind of hard to comprehend unless you do it, but that brief time of meditation gives me such a powerful boost, which consequently makes everything else in my day so much better.
I’m more focused in my workouts, my sleep is deeper and longer, I’m more creative, my energy levels are higher and I’m more at peace with the world than ever before.
Now I’m no expert, I’m at the beginning of this journey but I just wanted to share how much it’s helped me. I started this whole process by downloading the phone app ‘Headspace’. This amazing app provides guided meditations, where you are talked into a calmer state by a soft, soothing voice.
Instant Results…
Like with anything that’s new it took me a couple of weeks to get fully immersed, but I did notice the benefits immediately which is what spurred me on to continue. As time has passed I’ve enjoyed it more and more and the benefits only get better the more you practice.
Over the last 10 years of investing in myself both financially (coaching, courses, etc) and investing time reading books and applying my knowledge in the practical field of personal training I’ve come to realise that so much of health, fitness, and happiness stems in the mind. When we work on the inside as well as the outside an amazing transformation unfolds.
So on that note I hope this post has inspired you to start meditating, please give it a go, I promise it will be worth it. I’d love to know how you get on so drop me a line and let me know how you find it.
I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.
To future health and happiness!

Nick 🙂