Working out: The ultimate stress-buster…
We all know that exercise creates ‘feel-good’ sensations that help to calm the mind, but what you may not know is that regular working out can help reduce the symptoms of more serious mental health conditions, such as depression and panic attacks. Research from Norway has shown that a regimen of three workouts a week helps reduce the symptoms of panic disorder, with effects lasting over a year.
Mental health facts…
One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year, according to Mind, the mental health charity. Recent statistics show that almost 10% of adults are affected by anxiety and depression and 1.2% are diagnosed with panic disorders.
Mental health conditions such as these are often associated with physical symptoms such as trembling, hyperventilation, lightheadedness, raised heart rates and chest pain, all of which change the ‘landscape’ of your body. Exercise is proven to play a key role in helping to provide relief from these symptoms.
The ultimate stress-buster…
When we exercise regularly, it brings remarkable changes to our mental state. Let’s look at how this happen;
- Neurochemical changes – Aerobic exercise reduces the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, and at the same time it stimulates ‘feel good’ chemicals, such as serotonin and endorphins. These changes naturally enhance your mood and decrease stress. They can also help relieve tension and tightness in the body and create a sense of relaxation and well-being.
- Improving sleep – Regular exercise encourages the body to fall asleep more quickly, have longer periods of deep sleep and wake more refreshed, all of which help to build a well-rested, calm mind.
- Improving self-esteem – A strict exercise regimen will enable you to achieve your goals, build stamina and improve self-image, giving you immense satisfaction and self-confidence which you can carry forward into other aspects of your life.
- Getting away from it all – When things get too much, exercise offers an escape, a change of scene, a place of solitude or social interaction away from the stresses of your daily life.
So how can I benefit?
Exercise of all forms carries these benefits. But regular, disciplined aerobic workouts, will help to burn maximum stress as well as calories. If you are a sufferer of depression or panic attacks, making time for regular exercise is absolutely essential. For a healthy heart and a healthy mind.