Workout of the Week : Leg Demolition…
05/02/2017Today’s agenda = Building Oak Legs!

Each week for the foreseeable future I’ll be posting a new WORKOUT OF THE WEEK! Each workout will vary greatly and I’ll be combining lots of techniques (drop sets, time under tension, rest pause, isometric contractions, partials, etc) to ensure you get a killer workout.
I did the workout below this morning and my legs are in pieces (not literally but I can barely walk!). If you are unsure of the exercises check them out on YouTube first.
Leg Demolition:
Part 1) Warm up by foam rolling the back, glutes, hamstrings and calves (10 minutes)
Part 2) One leg seated hamstring curls
- set 1 = 6-10 reps (3s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 2 = 6-10 reps (4s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 3 = 6-10 reps (5s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 4 = 6-10 reps (10s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 5 = 6-10 reps (explosive, go as fast as possible)
Part 3) Two legged seated hamstring curls
- set 1 = 20 reps (explosive, go as fast as possible)
Part 4) Glute Hamstring raises
- set 1 = 10-15 reps (tempo 3:2:2)
- set 2 = 10-15 reps (tempo 2:1)
- set 3 = AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
Part 5) One legged leg extensions (quads)
- set 1 = 6-10 reps (3s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 2 = 6-10 reps (4s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 3 = 6-10 reps (5s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 4 = 6-10 reps (explosive, go as fast as possible)
Part 6) Two legged leg extensions (quads)
- set 1 = 50 reps (explosive, go as fast as possible)
Part 7) Leg press (quad focus)
- set 1 = 6-10 reps (heavy)
- set 2 = 10-15 reps (heavy)
- set 3 = 15-20 reps (explosive)
- set 4 = hold bottom postion of leg press movement for 60s (isometric contraction)
- set 5 = 20 partial reps on leg press (bottom range)
- set 6 = 20 partial reps on leg press (top range)
Part 8) One legged calf raises with a dumbbell
- set 1 = 10 reps (5s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 2 = 10 reps (10s hold in contracted position of each rep)
- set 3 = 20 reps (explosive, go as fast as possible)
Part 9) Leg press calf raises (two foot)
- set 1 = 6-10 reps (heavy)
- set 2 = 10- 15 reps (heavy)
- set 3 = 15-20 reps (explosive)
- set 4 = 20-25 reps (explosive)
- set 5 = AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
Part 10) Cool down by stretching quads, hamstrings, calves and glutes