5 Ways To Lose More Fat And Gain More Muscles
Losing weight is challenging, let alone if you want to build muscles as well. Most of the time, when people lose weight, they lose a lot of muscle mass. Cutting out too many calories and doing cardio is not the best way to lose fat and gain muscle. If you want to get the Chul Soon bodybuilder physique, you need to make some changes in your routine.
Many women think that losing those unwanted fats is the best way to tone their bodies and have that figure they’ve always dreamed of. To have toned arms and abs, women still need to build muscle mass, which isn’t the priority.
How To Cut The Pounds And Gain Muscles At The Same Time?
When you aim to lose weight, you immediately think about the unwanted fats in your body. The fats that stay on your belly or those that give you flabby arms. Consuming fewer calories is one of the prerequisites to lose these fats; however, lower calorie intake decreases your muscles’ ability to synthesize new proteins to build more mass. Aside from that, your muscle’s ability to synthesize these new proteins determines your metabolic rate. This means, when you don’t take care of your muscles, you burn fewer calories each day.
Learning how to lose those fats and still keep your muscle health at top shape is challenging, but it definitely can be done. Here are some of the tricks you should follow:
#1 Increase Your Protein Consumption
Cut fat gain muscle supplements help increase your protein intake. Remember, you need to increase your protein consumption to about 1.5 to 2 grams per pound of your body weight. This is equivalent to 300 grams of protein for a 150-pound person.
Eating plenty of protein spread out through the day helps prevent your muscle tissue from breaking down. Fueling your system with a good amount of amino acids prevents the brain from receiving signals that it should break down muscle tissue to harvest them. Aside from that, eating a high-protein diet positively impacts the number of calories you burn throughout the day.
#2 Don’t Cut Too Many Calories
Cutting too many calories affects the muscles’ ability to synthesize proteins. If you only focus on losing fats or weight, cutting 500 calories to your regular diet is normal. To avoid losing muscle, you should not go below 1,200 calories a day. When you eat less than 1,200 calories, your muscle tissue starts to break down.
The average calorific intake for women is between 1,600 and 2,400 calories, and for men, it is between 1,500 and 2,500 calories, depending on their age, height, and weight. You need to consult with a dietician to know how much calories you need to take to maintain a normal BMI or body mass index. One trick many pros do is stick to their calorific requirement when they are not working out and then increase calorific intake by 200 and 300 calories when they do intense exercises. When you do this, you’re giving your body enough energy to work at an optimum rate.
#3 Do The Right Exercises For Muscle Gain
Cardio exercises are the best way to shed off those unwanted pounds. However, spending too much time doing cardio exercises like circuit training is not the best way to build muscles. To build muscle while losing weight, you need to focus on exercises that involve compound movements like squats, presses, deadlifts, and rows. It’s also beneficial for your muscle if you squeeze in some strength training and weights.
Many people think muscle building means losing weight, toning up, and looking bulky. However, this isn’t the case. Muscle eats up calories, and this will help your body burn fat more efficiently. If you want to train for muscle gain, weights should be your friends. Doing weights helps you gain more muscle mass and burn more calories.
#4 Cut Carbs And Focus On Healthy Fats
Working out is just one part of the equation when it comes to fat loss and muscle gain. Nutritional support is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Your fats are staying inside your body because you constantly eat carbs. Carbs are known to be the main culprit when it comes to obesity and diseases like diabetes. When you want to eat carbs, take those two hours before working out and right after your routine.
Aside from cutting on unhealthy carbs, it would help if you also ate only healthy fats. Reducing your fat intake to lose fat is a big misconception to many. Losing fats entirely is not beneficial to your body. Eating healthy fats is integral in maintaining optimal cell structure and your keeping hormone levels intact. Fat is also essential in building muscle. Healthy fats can be found in avocado, salmon, egg yolks, olive oil, and walnuts.
#5 Get Enough Sleep And Drink Water
Getting enough sleep and hydration is probably the most important aspect of weight loss and muscle gain. Many weight loss strategies emphasize the importance of sleeping at least six hours a day and drinking eight glasses of water or more. People who have poor sleep qualities do not burn fat efficiently, let alone build muscle mass. When you don’t have enough sleep, you will feel hungrier throughout the day. This means there’s a risk of consuming more than the required calories per day. Drinking enough water is critical for the body to function, including protein synthesis in your muscle.
Even if you don’t want to bulk up, building muscles is essential to help your body burn more fat. To become successful in losing fat while building muscle, you need to have a good balance in your diet, calorie intake, and workouts. Caring for your body is also essential, so make sure you get enough rest and hydrate often.
Good results do not come easily, and being patient is a critical skill you need to learn in this journey. Consistency is the key to achieving your fitness goals. But you need to give your muscles a break as well. Working out too much is bad for the muscles, and straining it won’t help build good cells. Make sure you get a break in between your workout routines to allow your muscles to recover.