LEP Fitness


5 Ways To Prepare Yourself For Outdoor Workouts This Winter…

5 Ways To Prepare Yourself For Outdoor Workouts This Winter | LEP Fitness

Summer is officially over, and it’s only a matter of time before those dark nights, and cold winter mornings arrive.

For lots of people, they struggle to get motivated to do exercise, BUT whatever happens, don’t let this be you. Here’s some quick, and IMPORTANT advice…

Getting Motivated…

Make-sure that you are prepared, have a plan of action, and most importantly a goal to work towards. Try and make your goal as emotional as possible, things such as… “I want to lose 2 stone in weight so that I can run around the park with my kids next summer” or “There’s a dress I really want to buy, but I need to lose 3 inches by Xmas” – the more specific your goal, and the more emotion behind it… the more likely you are to get out of bed and workout during autumn and winter. One of the best ways to keep motivation high, is to train outdoors, nature does wonders for both the mind and body. 

So on that note, here are…

5 Ways To Prepare Yourself For Outdoor Workouts This Winter

outdoor workouts for fat loss during winter

#1 Waterproof Socks 

If you live in the UK, you’ll know how bad the rain can get at this time of the year. If you like running outdoors, or do any form of outdoor training, then make-sure you wear some waterproof socks – I know this may be pointing out the obvious, BUT don’t forget to pick some up. Otherwise, it wont be pleasant running around in wet, squelchy socks, and it could also give you blisters and sore feet. 

#2 Suitable Trainers 

Depending on your sport, will depend on what trainers are best for you. If for example, you are running frequently (3-4x per week) then it’s well worth investing in some high quality running shoes. 

The best thing to do is go to a running shop and ask for some advice. It may be that you have flat feet, so therefore need some fitted insoles (to give your feet an arch), or you may need some extra cushioning. If that shop doesn’t have the particular insole you need, try doing it online. Companies like Protalus offer a wide range of adjustable insoles, and even have an online guide that will help you choose.  On the flipside, you may run well in webbed trainers – it all depends on your sport, structure, training frequency, distance, etc. Make-sure to reach out to an expert and invest in some high quality trainers to suit your sport.

#3 Thermal Clothing 

Maintaining the right body temperature is key during these colder months. You don’t want to get too hot, for example, wearing a thick coat on a jog is not advisable! BUT that said, you don’t want to be too cold either, wearing a vest during autumn and winter is a sure way to catch a cold, and develop unpleasant skin rashes. 

The best clothing to wear for training outside, is thermal clothing, for example fitted under tops, and tracksuit tops/pants, which keep heat in, but also allow your body to breathe as well. It’s important that your clothing feels comfortable, and helps you to maintain a perfect temperature to workout in. Your clothing also needs to protect your body from the elements (rain, wind, and snow). 

#4 Workout Gloves 

Lots of people workout in parks, for example doing push ups on concrete, and pull ups/dips using bars. There are also other outdoor machines which are becoming increasingly popular – leg press, chest press, and lateral pull down machines. 

One thing you must do, is protect your hands with workout gloves. As the temperature drops, it’s important to 1) keep your hands warm and 2) protect your skin from chafing- which is what will happen if you grip chin up bars with bare hands. If you chafe your skin, then it’s going to mean that you’ll be out of action for a week or two (not good!). So make-sure to invest in a good quality pair of workout gloves. 

#5 Hat 

Ideal for the beginning of your workout, when you are trying to warm up your body temperature. Wearing a hat during the first 5-10 mins of outdoor exercise is a smart choice…

For example you could wear your hat for the first 2-3 mins of jogging, then do 2 mins mobility work – then once warmed up, take your hat off. Some of you may like to keep it on, it all depends on the temperature, and personal preference. 

P.S I just purchased a hat from Fila. As I have short hair (a number 1 all over!) this hat has helped me during my morning runs, when I leave the house at 6am!

If you apply the 5 simple tips in this post, you’ll be far more likely to have better quality workouts, train in greater comfort, and most importantly… give yourself the greatest chance of reaching your fitness goals this winter.

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Good luck and thanks for reading,

Nick Screeton