German Body Composition Training – Everything You Need To Know | Free 8 Week Training Program
Have you heard of German Body Composition Training?
It’s one of the most effective ways to build muscle and lose fat. Whether you’re a beginner (whose new to working out) or whether you’re an advanced lifter, this training method is guaranteed to help you build muscle, strip fat and drastically improve your body composition.
In this article, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about German Body Composition Training. You’ll be an expert on the topic after reading this post.
I’m also going to be giving away a free 8-week German body composition program. I will be sharing three plans to suit all fitness levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced).
Let’s jump in…
What is German body composition training?

So what is German body composition training – it sounds a little serious doesn’t it?
German body composition training (aka GBC) is where you pair one upper body exercise with a lower-body exercise. For example, first you do a bench press (10-15 reps) and then go into a back squat (10-15 reps).
With German body composition training, you perform compound lifts. A compound lift is an exercise that recruits multiple muscles all at once (squat, bench press, chin-ups, rows, deadlifts, etc.).
As a quick example, a German body composition program could look like this:
Part 1: Flat DB press (10-15 reps) straight into Leg press (10-15 reps) x 3 sets
Part 2: Bent over BB row (10-15 reps) straight into DB Romanian deadlift (10-15 reps) x 3 sets
Part 3: BB military press (10-15 reps) straight into Hack squat (10-15 reps) x 3 sets.
The above is just one example. There are many combinations you can do.
With each set, you do 10-15 reps and keep the rest periods short, typically resting between 30-60s.
There’s absolutely no doubt that GBC training is a highly effective workout plan for men who want a successful body recomposition…
I do GBC training with 80% of my LEP Fitness clients – because it gets the fastest body transformation results compared to any other training method I’ve used.
Who came up with German Body Composition Training?

In the 1980s, William Kraemer found that specific weight training methods could increase GH (growth hormone) and therefore increase muscle mass while reducing body fat…
He found that higher reps per set (10-15 reps) combined with short rest (less than 60s) was extremely effective for improving body composition i.e., more muscle less fat.
In the 1990s, the world-famous Strength coach Charles Poliquin (aka Strength Sensei) took this concept to a new level and created German Body Composition Training. This training method has been popular for decades because it’s incredibly effective.
What are the benefits of German body composition training?

#1 One Muscle Works While The Other Recovers
By pairing an upper body exercise with a lower-body one, you give each muscle group more time to recover. For example, say you do chin-ups; at the end of your set, your upper back, lats, and biceps will be fatigued…
But this fatigue won’t impact your legs, your legs are fresh, and while you train them your upper body can recover.
#2 Increased Stamina
German body comp training is one of the best ways to improve your overall fitness. Anyone who has followed a GBC program for 8-12 weeks will know how much this training positively improves fitness levels.
Because you are performing compound lifts and alternating between large upper and lower body muscle groups, your heart rate goes through the roof, you sweet, and your stamina has no choice but to improve.
#3 EPOC – Burn Calories While You Sleep
EPOC stands for ‘Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption. After a German body comp workout, you’ll still be burning calories for 24-48 hours after your session.
#4 Burn Up To 500 calories Per Workout
In a 45 minutes GBC session, it’s not uncommon to burn up to 500 calories. It’s one of the best training methods to follow if you want to get lean and have a head-turning physique.
#5 Endorphin High
I just finished a German body composition workout about one hour ago. Initially, I felt exhausted, barely able to talk and walk. Now I feel on cloud nine, my biceps are pumped as I type this sentence, and I feel euphoric. There’s nothing better for lifting your spirits than completing a GBC session.
#6 Increases GH (Growth Hormone)
If you want to shed fat and build muscle, you’ll want to elevate growth hormone naturally. Doing this will have the most significant impact on your body composition.
#7 Short Workouts
If you’re doing German body composition training properly, you won’t be in the gym for longer than 60 minutes. Most of my clients last 35-45 minutes. It’s intense, short, and sweet. You get in and get out. It’s ideal if you don’t want to spend hours in the gym, or don’t have the time.
#8 Get Results With Just 3 Sessions Per Week
I’ve worked with clients who train with me 3x per week for 45 minutes and do no training outside of our sessions. They still get amazing results, especially when combined with an LEP custom meal plan.
How Can You Use German Body Composition Training to get the best results?
First of all, you need to pick a bunch of upper/lower body compound lifts that work multiple muscle groups, for example:
Compound exercises that work the chest, shoulders, and triceps all at once include:
- Barbell bench press (flat, incline, decline)
- Dumbbell press (flat, incline, decline)
- Dips
- Military press
Compound lifts for the back and biceps:
- Chin-ups
- Pull-ups
- Bent over barbell rows
- One-arm dumbbell rows
- Seated cable row
Compound lifts for the legs:
- Back squat
- Front squat
- Split squat
- Bulgarian squat
- Romanian deadlifts
8-week german body composition training program…

Below is an eight-week german body composition gym plan for men…
Beginner German Body Comp Program:
- Monday: Workout 1
- Tuesday: 30 minutes of cardio
- Wednesday: Workout 2
- Thursday: 30 minutes of cardio
- Friday: Workout 3
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: Rest
Workout 1:
- Flat DB press x 10-15 reps
- DB squat x 10-15 reps
- Incline DB row x 10-15 reps
- Barbell lunges x 10-15 reps
Workout 2:
- Incline DB press x 10-15 reps
- Leg press x 10-15 reps
- Assisted pull up machine x 10-15 reps
- DB split squats x 10-15 reps
Workout 3:
- Seated DB shoulder press x 10-15 reps
- DB Romanian deadlift x 10-15 reps
- Seated cable row x 10-15 reps
- Deadlift x 10-15 reps
- Three sets per round
- 60s rest in between sets
Intermediate German Body Comp Program:
- Monday: Workout 1
- Tuesday: Workout 2
- Wednesday: 30 minutes of cardio
- Thursday: Workout 3
- Friday: Workout 4
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: Rest
Workout 1:
- Flat DB press x 10-15 reps
- DB squat x 10-15 reps
- Incline DB row x 10-15 reps
- Barbell lunges x 10-15 reps
Workout 2:
- Incline DB press x 10-15 reps
- Leg press x 10-15 reps
- Assisted pull up machine x 10-15 reps
- DB split squats x 10-15 reps
Workout 3:
- Seated DB shoulder press x 10-15 reps
- DB Romanian deadlift x 10-15 reps
- Seated cable row x 10-15 reps
- Deadlift x 10-15 reps
Workout 4:
- Bent over barbell row x 10-15 reps
- DB jump squats x 10-15 reps
- Incline barbell press x 10-15 reps
- Prone hamstring dumbbell curl x 10-15 reps
- Three sets per round
- 45-60s rest in between sets
Advanced German Body Comp Program:
- Monday: Workout 1
- Tuesday: Workout 2
- Wednesday: 30 minutes of cardio
- Thursday: Workout 3
- Friday: Workout 4
- Saturday: 30 minutes of cardio
- Sunday: Rest
Workout 1:
- Flat DB press x 10-15 reps
- DB squat x 10-15 reps
- Incline DB row x 10-15 reps
- Barbell lunges x 10-15 reps
Workout 2:
- Incline DB press x 10-15 reps
- Leg press x 10-15 reps
- Assisted pull up machine x 10-15 reps
- DB split squats x 10-15 reps
Workout 3:
- Seated DB shoulder press x 10-15 reps
- DB Romanian deadlift x 10-15 reps
- Seated cable row x 10-15 reps
- Deadlift x 10-15 reps
Workout 4:
- Bent over barbell row x 10-15 reps
- DB jump squats x 10-15 reps
- Incline barbell press x 10-15 reps
- Prone hamstring dumbbell curl x 10-15 reps
- Three sets per round
- 30-45s rest in between sets
Ways To Get More From You German body composition training regime…

Add HIIT training at the end of your workout
Once you’ve done your weights, add in some HIIT training. 3-5 minutes is usually plenty. Here’s some example of HIIT workouts I do with clients:
- Assault Bike – burn 30 calories as fast as possible
- Ski Erg Machine – 250m sprint x 3 sets
- Rower – 500m row as fast as possible
- Ball slams – 30-50 explosive reps
Tempo Training (TUT)
If you’re unfamiliar with Time Under Tension (TUT), I would strongly suggest reading up on it. TUT is where you control the rep speed, for example, take the bench press…
Instead of just pressing the weight up and down, you would take 4s lowering the weight and 2s pressing the weight (6s per rep). There are lots of tempo combinations you can use…
As a general guideline, and if you are a beginner or new to this concept, I would recommend sticking to a tempo of 4s, lowering the weight, and 2s lifting the weight.
5 Mistakes people make when attempting a german body composition training program…
#1 Not taking enough rest
Don’t rush to get your workouts done. You need to give yourself at least 30s rest between rounds.
#2 Too much rest
Forget catching up with your gym buddies and talking for 5 minutes between sets. You need to stick to your rest periods (60s or less).
#3 Failing to log workouts
Don’t forget to track your workouts. You need to track every session, every set, every rep. The aim is to beat your previous workout in either weight lifted, reps, or exercise execution.
#4 Poor pairing choices
It’s no use pairing a leg press machine with a bench press if they are at opposite sides of the gym. By the time you jump from one exercise to the other, there’s a chance another member has taken your weights! Be smart with your programming.
#5 Isolation exercises
There’s nothing wrong with isolation exercises, but they’re not as effective as compound lifts. Doing concentration curls or tricep kickbacks won’t be anywhere near as effective for growing your arms compared to chin-ups or dips. If you add in isolation work, make sure to do it at the end.
How to manipulate German Body Comp Training Towards Your Goals…
Whether your main goal is to build muscle or lose fat, the training stays the same. What differs is your nutrition.
For example…
If you want to lose weight, I would recommend eating 10 calories per pound of bodyweight. For example, if you weigh 200lbs. The equation is 200lbs x 10 = 2,000 calories per day.
If you want to build muscle, I would recommend eating 18 calories per pound of bodyweight. For example, if you weigh 200lbs. The equation is 200lbs x 18 = 3,600 calories per day.
With your calories, I would recommend a macro split of:
Training Days:
- 40% protein
- 40% carbs
- 20% fats
Rest Days:
- 40% protein
- 20% carbs
- 40% fats
Thanks for reading,

Nick Screeton – Founder of