Keto Diet: List of Foods and Drinks
A keto diet is where you make a shift from your regular eating routine by increasing the consumption of fats and decreasing the number of carbs you consume each day. By doing so, you end up putting your body in a fat-burning mode and boost energy. Instead of using carbs for fuel, you adapt to using what are called ‘ketones’ – this places your body into a prime position to burn body fat for energy.
Once carbs are removed from your diet, it can take between 48-72 hours to get into Ketosis. It’s hard to begin with, especially when you are used to consuming lots of carbs, but once you get used to it, things get more comfortable. There are also lots of lots of supplements you can take to support going into ketosis for example Keto Supplement Reviewed is a great resource that goes into more detail on this topic.
In case you’re wondering how to start the keto diet, the rules of the game are pretty simple:
- Understand the pros and cons of a keto diet
- Know what foods are acceptable to eat on a keto diet
- Write down a bunch of keto-friendly foods that you like
- Find a bunch of keto recipes that you like and write a shopping list
- Buy the keto foods
- Create a keto meal plan and stick to it for 2-4 weeks
Available Choices – Keto Diet Food List
If you want to drop a jean size, you’ve got to watch the food you eat. When you cut out carbs from your diet most people ask, “what else can I eat?” – Unlike what most people assume, a keto diet plan has lots of options to choose from. They include:
● Fats and oils – the best choices you can pick include ghee/butter, coconut oil, mayonnaise, olive oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and sesame seed oil. Each serving should be proportionate to the kind of way you intend to use it i.e the amount used for cooking will differ from the one to put on salads or even in baking. The kind of oils that are not going to give you keto diet results are peanut oil, corn oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil.
● Nuts and seeds – though dry, nuts have lots of fat content. The best choices for keto are walnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, and cashew nuts.
● Dairy products – are a great source of calcium and also animal fats. You should include Greek yogurt (natural), hard cheese, whole milk, and heavy cream milk in your meals or for a snack. Stay away from low-fat milk – it has high levels of carbohydrates and sugar additives.
● Proteins – are responsible for building and repairing our muscles, nails, and skin. Your fridge should contain either pork, beef, fish, chicken, lamb, turkey, eggs, goat, and organ meats (heart, kidneys, liver). Avoid any processed meat products like hot-dogs and pepperoni.
● Carbohydrates – although their consumption is significantly reduced, there’s a need for a balanced diet. It is advised to select your carbs from vegetables and fruits. The wide range of vegetables includes: cooked (cauliflower, broccoli, mushroom, kale, cabbage) and raw (lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, garlic, pepper). The proper choice of fruits would be: cherries, avocados, melon, berries. Eating starchy foods.
Other Considerations
You can also consume things such as include keto coffee, ketogenic tea, lemon juice, and bone broth. You can make smoothies of your own from keto-friendly foods, e.g., avocado smoothie, berries, milk smoothie, and water, cherries smoothie. The likes of beer, wine, champagne, rum, scotch, gin, and vodka may stay in your cabinet. Keto supplements can also help, the likes of MCT oil, digestive enzymes, BCAAs, omega 3 fats, exogenous ketones, electrolytes, and green powder will kick you back fast.
Keto Diet Recipes
Knowing your way around the kitchen can be very beneficial to you. You can easily pick different choices from your keto diet food list and come up with a recipe for a mouth-watering meal. Some examples tried before include:
- Grilled pork with steamed cabbage
- Cauliflower mash with roast beef
- Greens sauce and scrambled egg
- Keto cheese biscuits
- Keto bacon sushi
Your meals should not fall short of quality. The taste and texture should be well catered for, and you can use garlic, ginger, or turmeric to make foods taste more appetizing. Make sure that your plate is well balanced with all the necessary nutrients that our bodies require.
Supplements For Keto
Keto supplements help your body to take in specific nutrients, since a keto diet involves restricting carbohydrates – and the vitamins contained within them. Supplements help to prevent nutrient deficiencies, which can affect the internal homeostasis and organ functions of the body.
Taking keto supplements can also prevent the development of flu-like signs and symptoms in response to the change in diet, otherwise known as ‘keto flu’. Keto supplements contain the following key ingredients:
- Magnesium: This micronutrient is important in muscle, nervous, and cardiac functions. If you lack magnesium, you will feel weak. Nausea and vomiting may result, as well as muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythms, and seizures.
- Potassium: This major nutrient in the body is crucial for heart function, and helps in regulating blood pressure. It also plays a role in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.
- Vitamin D: Also called the sunshine vitamin, this nutrient is important in developing stronger immunity and healthy bones and teeth. However, too much sun exposure may cause skin problems, such as skin cancer. Luckily, taking keto supplements will help provide your body with much-needed vitamin D without the sunburn.
- MCT Oil: The medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil is extracted from coconuts and dairy, which is a good instance source of energy.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: This polyunsaturated fatty acid group plays a vital role in different body functions. It improves vision and can prevent some types of cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory and cardiac-supporting functions. It may also be helpful for people experiencing anxiety and depression.
- Creatine: This amino acid is normally found in the brain and muscles. However, intense workout may deplete your body’s store of creatinine, which is essential for muscle growth. Taking creatine supplementation during your keto journey can help to improve your athletic performance.
- Fiber: Fiber is essential for digestive health. However, when you’re on a ketogenic diet, fiber intake can be affected since your carb intake is limited. Keto supplements can help to prevent constipation and keep you regular.
Many people have their reasons for switching to a keto diet because it gets great results!
Are you up for trying the keto diet?
Have you tried the keto diet before?
And if so…how has the experience been so far? What is your favorite dish?
Author’s Bio: The author of this text is a food and nutrition graduate and a kickboxer as well. Rae adapted to keto dieting because of the endurance she gets and endless energy in the ring. She advises her fellow gym mates to switch to keto for maximum gains. During her free time, she enjoys archery.