Jazz Loses 15lbs In 8 Weeks Training In A Garage Gym..
The lockdown has been challenging for many of us. I must admit having to close the LEP Fitness personal training studio for eight months over the last year has broken my heart…
BUT at the same time, I’ve been astonished at what’s possible with home workouts…
Take Jazz, for example…
In 8 weeks, he’s managed to lose 15lbs and achieve a beach body.
And guess what?
He’s achieved these results by working out in a garage gym with basic gym equipment (barbell, dumbbells, and a bench!).
Pretty impressive, would you agree?
His shoulders look as though they’ve doubled in size. His biceps have veins that would match Rafael Nadal, BUT most importantly…
He’s built bulletproof habits that will ensure he not only keeps his results BUT continues to improve in the future.
In this article, I give away some of Jazz’s body transformation secrets to help you. I also share some information about my online coaching programs and how they can help you get the body of your dreams…
Setting Clients Up For Success…

When an online client joins LEP Fitness, they fill out a very detailed questionnaire. We also set up a strategy phone call…
Where we discuss:
- The client’s goal(s)
- Current starting point
- Struggles/obstacles standing in their way
Once I’ve gained complete clarity on all three…
I then go away and create a personalised ‘road map’ to get them from where they are now to where they want to be.
I look at all the positives and good routines that they already have. And I also look at all the obstacles and challenges that may knock them off track…
Then I come up with SOLUTIONs to overcome every one.
In the strategy call (which is done either by phone or via Zoom), I also ask deep questions…. far beyond their physical goal(s)…
For example, I want to know what the client values in their life the most (the top 3 things) and then link how getting a body transformation and boosting fitness will help them achieve their life’s mission.
For example, say you want to be a successful business person…
How can transforming your body shape and boosting fitness help you?
Well, by looking the part, you will likely get more respect from others. You will command more authority. You will have better posture and speak with greater confidence. You will have more energy to make more deals, talk to more people, explore more opportunities, and be able to work longer hours… leading to more success in your business!
Sounds like a win?
The above is just an example, but can you see how powerful this type of exercise can be?
You can also link to other areas of your life, such as:
- Relationships
- Parenthood
- Career
- Wealth
- Happiness
When you create a ‘deep emotional connection’ and make a ‘positive link’ with exercise and nutrition…
And realize that this will not only help you transform your body BUT TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE…
Custom Meal & Exercise Plan
Alongside getting the mind in a strong place…
Each client also completes a separate questionnaire for both a ‘meal’ and ‘exercise’ plan.
Once I’ve gotten this information, I get to work and create a bespoke program for each client (no two projects are the same!).
I take into account the following:
- Specific goals
- Time frame
- Food preferences
- Equipment access
- Lifestyle
- Budget
Having completed over 12,000 x 1-1 personal training sessions, I’m very good at knowing what to do with each client…
I’ve studied extensively for the last 15 years, learning from the best coaches and mentors in the world. I have also read hundreds of books on personal development and psychology.
BUT what has helped me the most is…
The ‘hands-on experience’ itself, and what I’ve learned on my own journey over the years…
This practical experience (working with clients) and my own personal experience have enabled me to develop a strong gut feeling for each client and what they need to do to succeed.
The Secrets To A Successful Body Transformation…
The reason Jazz has achieved such head-turning results is because…
He followed the plan(s) I created to the letter. Training hard five days per week, doing three weights sessions per week, and two HIIT workouts each week.
This, combined with following a set meal plan and checking in with me each week (so I could make minor tweaks), enabled him to continue to get fast results.
He pretty much averaged losing 2lbs per week while at the same time building muscle. This has created a leaner look with improved body shape, which is how he’s got a ‘beach body’ physique.
To get a body transformation like this, you have to be disciplined and fully commit for 8-12 weeks (in some cases longer – depending on your start point)…
BUT if you commit 100%, it’s incredible what you can achieve in less than 90 days…
Would you like to achieve your own 8-12 week body transformation?
Get excited because this could be you in the next few months…

If you said YES, and want results like the above then please check out my online coaching website – and get in touch.
With your commitment, combined with my expertise…
There are no limits as to what we can achieve.

Nick Screeton (Body Transformation Expert)