LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • The 3 Fundamental Pillars Of Fitness 23/02/2020

    Absolutely anyone can get fit. That’s right. It may seem like there are some exceptions, and of course, there are injuries and disabilities that prevent us from being able to move, but healthy sustenance, being able to stretch as is healthy fo...

  • Should Men and Women Use the Same Protein Powder? 21/02/2020

    Traditionally, the protein powder industry was dominated by the men of our species. Because of this, it's been a daunting task for women to find protein powders that are tailored to her. But are there any major differences that women should c...

  • Hormone Therapy: What to Know About Treatment 21/02/2020

    Hormone Therapy - I had this discussion with one of my personal training clients the other day, who told me she wanted to avoid hormone therapy. I've also discussed this topic in length with male clients, especially those wanting to increase tes...

  • 5 Unique Ways Chiropractors Alleviate Back Pain 20/02/2020

    Back pain is a prevalent problem that affects a significant number of people at least once in their lifetime. While some people prefer to look up to the gym for back pain relief exercises or down a few pain killers, some will turn to chiropracti...

  • Running for the First Time at 40: Here are 8 Things You Need to Know 19/02/2020

    40, while a dreaded age for some doesn't need to feel this way - in fact, it's a brilliant age to make a positive change, not only to your mindset but also to your health fitness and well-being.  Running is a great way to get fit, lose w...

  • CBD Products Can Increase Your Fitness Results 19/02/2020

    With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD products have become widely available. They come in the form of gummies, soft gels, ointments, salves, and tinctures and more. CBD is also making waves in the health and fitness industries. Everyone fr...

  • Weed and Bodybuilding 18/02/2020

    Over the last decade or so, there's been a real shift in attitude towards weed and its use. Most of that happened because the scientific community finally acknowledged the benefits of marijuana in both medical and recreational use.  In recen...

  • How to write gripping content for your personal training blog 17/02/2020

    Blogging gives people an avenue to share their ideas with the world. But, like anything else in life, there are unwritten rules that all bloggers follow. These rules help people generate content that is gripping and that attracts their target au...

  • What I’ve learned after completing 11,000 x 1-1 Personal Training sessions with LEP Fitness 15/02/2020

    I can't believe I've completed 11,000 x 1-1 personal training sessions - I have no idea where that time has gone! It only feels like yesterday when I started LEP Fitness - although it was 2012! I remember how tough it was trying to get cli...

  • Can CBD Oil Improve Your Quality of Life 14/02/2020

    CBD has taken the health and wellness industry by storm within the last few years. However, many people still have a few misconceptions about this naturally occurring compound. If you've ever found yourself wondering what CBD is, if it’s any g...