Health & Fitness Blog
Science Backed Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Next Workout
18/11/2019If we want to have a fit and healthy body, we must be prepared to commit to reaching our fitness goals, which is not something that happens overnight. It takes time, effort, and dedication to be able to achieve the body we’ve been envisioning....
5 Ways to Market Your Personal Training Brand…
18/11/2019Effective marketing of your brand requires you to adopt multiple strategies. There is no definitive way to go about promoting your brand. But there is a lot that you can do, such as maintaining an active social media presence, asking for reviews...
5 Nootropics That Can Promote Sharper Cognitive Function
17/11/2019You probably already know enough about bodybuilding supplements, most guys and women who lift weights are aware of supplements such as whey protein, creatine, and pre-workouts! In a world obsessed with physical appearance, lots of people will d...
How To Get More Personal Training Clients By Improving Your Professionalism
15/11/2019If you want to charge a high rate for your personal training service, then you need to be professional. I'm sorry, BUT you can't charge £50+ per hour if you're wearing a Gym Shark tracksuit and calling all of your clients 'mate' or 'buddy'!...
5 Key Items To Take To The Gym
12/11/2019Finding yourself the inspiration is only half-the-job, as you need to have management skills and essential items to have workout sessions daily. Excuses could hit you the hardest as you seem to have missed things on intent. The items missing fro...
Give me 10 Days And I’ll Help You Blitz 7lbs Of Unwanted Body Fat – Let Me Prove It – FREE
11/11/2019Who wants some quick results? Of course, we all do! If you can get results in 10 days compared to 30 days, why wouldn't you? While a lot of people are skeptical of fast results, because they think it's a fad, it doesn't have...
Advantages of private health insurance
10/11/2019If you live in the UK, you’re lucky enough to have healthcare through the National Health Service (NHS), which allows for free doctor appointments and treatment, as well as assistance with prescriptions. There are some disadvantages o...
Fully Booked Up Personal Trainer : Get A Full Diary Of Paying Clients
10/11/2019Would You Like To Have A Full Diary Of Paying Clients? If you're a personal trainer and said YES, then you’ve come to the right place because… “I help personal trainers get fully booked up.” I know EXACTLY what I’m doing, and...
How Fitness Can Boost Your Academic Performance
10/11/2019Academic performance is something that most of us need to excel at if we want to get somewhere in life. Whether you are in primary school or writing your doctoral dissertation, you want to do the best you possibly can. When you are younger,...
How to Get Started as an Online Personal Trainer
10/11/2019Education, self-development, and a healthy lifestyle are modern trends, and fortunately, you don’t even need to leave your home - neither to receive these services nor to provide them. Therefore, if you know how to do something useful and need...