Deload Weight Training : Everything You Need to Know & How To Do It?
27/06/2017For the last 8 weeks i’ve been training like a man possessed by the Devil! by that I mean i’ve given 110% in the weights room. I’ve pushed my body to the absolute limit - blood, sweat, and almost tears! Consequently, my joints feel like that...
6 Creative Workout Ideas – No Gym Membership Needed!
06/06/2017"Variety Is The Spice of Life" Do you dislike the gym? Are you getting bored of your workouts? Would you like more variety and a bunch of different workouts to choose from? If the answer was YES to any of the above then I have 6 Creative Workout...
Foundational Movements of CrossFit…
23/05/2017CrossFit is a fast paced and high-intensity, and functional movement exercise program, that has seen incredible growth in popularity since its insurgence in the early 2000s. Like all exercise programs, the more you put in, the better the payou...
Working out: The ultimate stress-buster…
05/04/2017We all know that exercise creates ‘feel-good’ sensations that help to calm the mind, but what you may not know is that regular working out can help reduce the symptoms of more serious mental health conditions, such as depression and panic att...
How Caroline lost 35 lbs for her Wedding Day…
22/02/2017Toning Up For The BIG day... Getting married is one of the biggest and best days of your life! It’s super important to look and feel confident for the big day... After all there’s going to be plenty of people snapping photographs, and the...
Can Wearing Activity Trackers Help You Lose Weight?
18/02/2017Activity Trackers... In the UK, there were 3 million fitness watches sold in 2015 (Mintel Data). Overall, the market for wearable watches has increased tremendously with 78.1 million of them sold in 2015. Last year, estimated sales were at 102...
When Is The Best Time To Workout?
16/02/2017It’s a great question and one i’ve been asked many times during my personal training career. It’s something i’m going to answer in this post... When Is The Best Time To Workout? We live in a fast paced society where time is precious,...
The Benefits of Using Dumbbells…
09/02/2017The Benefits of Using Dumbbells to Get In Shape... Whether you want to annihilate body fat or slap on some serious muscle mass dumbbells are one of the most effective tools to use when it comes to sculpting your body shape! The Benefits of Usin...
The Benefits of Staying Fit in Later Life…
03/02/2017Studies show that older adults can reap just as many benefits from physical activity as medicine. Getting enough exercise may even reduce or eliminate the need for certain medications, help older adults to lose weight, stave off depression, heart...
Are Personal Trainers A Waste Of Money???
31/01/2017The other day...whilst I warmed up in the gym I overheard two ladies moaning about the effectiveness of personal trainers. The main gist of the conversation was that paying for a personal trainer was a HUMONGOUS expense and a waste of money! ...