LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • 24/11/2020

    Burn Fat, Get fit, and Feel Totally Awesome! We all know how effective cardio can be for shredding body fat right? Done correctly it can help you quickly get you fit, shed those pounds, blitz love handles and exterminate tummy roles! The 2 most c...

  • 20/11/2020

    Are you an extremely busy workaholic?  Is your career on the rise, but your health on the decline?  Would you like to stand out from the crowd not only professionally and financially BUT also physically?  How about having...

  • What is CBD Cream and How Does it Work? 20/11/2020

    With the rising popularity of CBD, a whole host of CBD products have come up in a short amount of time that use CBD as their main ingredients and can be used for a variety of conditions. You can use CBD in the form of CBD tablets, CBD capsul...

  • 6 awesome health tips 20/11/2020

    Many of us take our health for granted. But if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to cherish and prioritise our health and do whatever we can to preserve it. Sadly, lockdown, home working, and long periods of isolation have left many of us at t...

  • How To Become A Personal Trainer In Sheffield 19/11/2020

    If you want to know how to become a personal trainer in Sheffield or South Yorkshire, then you’re in the right place. Just below we’ve explained everything that you need to know about starting a new career in the fitness industry, includi...

  • How to stay motivated and hungry for success in Lockdown 2.0 19/11/2020

    With the UK currently in lockdown, now seems a good time for you to set a few fitness or weight-loss goals – though, sadly, whether you will act on them for long is another question.  In a study highlighted by the Daily Mail,...

  • Make Running In Winter Less Of A Chore With These 8 Tips... 18/11/2020

    Exercise has been a difficult thing to manage since the beginning of the pandemic. With gyms closing and people being asked to stay inside due to lockdowns, it's much more challenging to get fit and healthy compared to a year ago.  We do...

  • Deload Week 17/11/2020

    Have you heard of a Deload Week?  In short, a deload week is where you back off from training or completely rest from your lifting program to allow your body to recover. In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know abo...

  • Chest and Tricep Workout 17/11/2020

    Would you like a free chest and tricep workout that is guaranteed to help you slap on some serious muscle tissue? If you want a barrel chest, one that enters a room before any other body part of your body... Then this article has...

  • Why Sleep is Crucial for Your Health and Fitness 17/11/2020

    It’s no surprise that sleep is one of the most pivotal processes in our day to day lives, and a lot of us are not getting enough of it.  When it comes to health, fitness, and our life’s longevity, there is arguably little that compar...