LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • Shredded Abs : How I went from 20% body fat to 8% in 60 days... 20/08/2020

    Who doesn't want shredded abs?  Shredded abs are the sign of low body fat, and athleticism. When you have abs, you feel confident about taking your shirt off, and you get compliments from your friends and people you don't even know! ...

  • 10 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss 20/08/2020

    There is a lot of misinformation out there on the Internet regarding weight loss, and it seems like diet advice changes every day. That makes it hard for those who are serious about losing weight to find the information they need to get star...

  • 4 Breathing Tips to Boost Your Cardio 17/08/2020

    Practically, every intense activity you do, you boost your cardio and lung capacity. It may be running, skiing, canoeing, bicycling, or even dancing.  Exercising is good for your health. It helps you lose weight, build muscle strength an...

  • 5 Aspects of Your Health That Depend on Regular Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables 10/08/2020

    Finding the proper methods for staying healthy is very important for most people. Especially in this day and age, health-conscious people do what they can to maintain their well-being to help fight diseases and other potential health problems. U...

  • Best Hemp Bud Form for Fibromyalgia 03/08/2020

    If you suffer from fibromyalgia, then you are familiar with all the ways in which it can negatively affect one’s life. Well, we can refer to it as a chronic ailment because it indefinitely causes musculoskeletal agony and other symptoms like i...

  • Healthy Instant Pot Recipes 25/07/2020

    Cooking is something that we all love and enjoy, though there are many times during the week where we simply do not have enough time to spend hours in the kitchen preparing and cooking our meals. We want something fast, but we also don’t w...

  • Are We More Prone to Injury When Exercising? 21/07/2020

    Everyone knows the physical and mental health benefits of exercising, and people should try to get the minimum recommended amount of exercise each week, but it is also essential to be aware that people are more likely to injure themsel...

  • Some People Hate Fitness All Their Lives. Then They Discover Martial Arts 20/07/2020

    Getting fit is always presented as this Herculean effort. But when you talk to people who stay slim and athletic all their lives, that’s not what they tell you. Instead, it’s just something they enjoy, and it becomes a habit, like cleaning their...

  • Can CBD Increase My Immunity 16/07/2020

    As COVID-19 sweeps the world, knowing how to increase your immunity naturally can protect you during the pandemic. You may not consider cannabidiol (CBD) as the first step to boosting your immune system. Still, it can work with your body to...

  • Four Ways To Write Gripping Content For Your Fitness Blog 15/07/2020

    Writing engaging articles for your website is one of the best ways to get more paying customers, increase your traffic, and build a loyal fanbase... The problem is that most fitness blogs fail - this is typically down to not being able to wri...