LEP Fitness


Personal well being

  • 01/05/2017

    Never Feeling Good Enough... The other day I was in the gym and I noticed 3 young ladies training together. Approximately 18-20 years old, they were super body conscious, not one hair was out of place, all wearing a full face of make-up, fitted...

  • 28/04/2017

    Half the time twice the results! For along time i’d go to the gym everyday, and obsess over my diet. I’d go to the gym for 1-2hrs everyday and spend about 30 minutes each day prepping my meals. It’s safe to say it was a BIG commitment w...

  • Working out: The ultimate stress-buster... 05/04/2017

    We all know that exercise creates ‘feel-good’ sensations that help to calm the mind, but what you may not know is that regular working out can help reduce the symptoms of more serious mental health conditions, such as depression and panic att...

  • Do These 4 Things To Get An Incredible Nights Sleep… 04/04/2017

    My Sleeping Sucked... Up until recently my sleep sucked! I was waking up 3-4x a night, going for a pee (sorry I know too much detail!) and scrolling on my phone (Facebook, Instagram, etc) until I got back to sleep… When I woke up mid-sleep, I fo...

  • How To Get In The Zone For A Workout… 28/03/2017

    Time To Kick Some Ass! So many of us live fast paced and stressful lifestyles, juggling more balls than we can handle! When we finally do make it to the gym or allocate some time for a home workout we want to make sure that we get the most bang...

  • How I Overcame My Eating Disorder : How To Break Unhealthy Relationships with Food… 09/03/2017

    At 16 I dropped out of college and hid away from the world. For 12 months I had no job, and all I would do is pretty much stay in the house and watch Jeremy Kyle, Big Brother, and Trisha (lol! do you remember that show?). I’d watch TV and eat a...

  • Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life 01/03/2017

    Boost Your Mood with These 8 Wonderful Foods... Everybody knows how important a healthy diet is for your physical well-being, but it’s equally important for keeping a healthy mind and mood. After-all, that age-old adage that ‘you are what yo...

  • 22/02/2017

    Toning Up For The BIG day... Getting married is one of the biggest and best days of your life! It’s super important to look and feel confident for the big day... After all there’s going to be plenty of people snapping photographs, and the...

  • Kirsty Loses 13 lbs in Just 28 Days! Here’s How She Did It… 13/02/2017

    Bye Bye 13lbs! It’s amazing what can be achieved in just 28 days, especially if you put your mind to it! Kirsty successfully managed to lose a whopping 13 lbs in less than a month. High Five! How Did Kirsty Lose 13lbs? Last summer (2016) I...

  • The Benefits of Using Dumbbells + 25 FREE DB Exercises with Video Demonstrations… 09/02/2017

    The Benefits of Using Dumbbells to Get In Shape... Whether you want to annihilate body fat or slap on some serious muscle mass dumbbells are one of the most effective tools to use when it comes to sculpting your body shape! The Benefits of Usin...