5 Stone Down – Jan’s 11 month Journey With LEP Fitness…
I started working with Jan back in January 2020 (before all the chaos of Covid-19!). We’ve been working together since (11 months) and despite 2 lockdowns, and numerous challenges…
Jan has lost 5 stone (70lbs or 31kg!) and built a very impressive looking physique, adding muscle to his chest, upper back, arms and legs…

If you want to read about Jan’s story and gain plenty of inspiration I would encourage you to read on…
What goal(s) did you want to achieve when you arrived at LEP Fitness?
The first priority was weight loss – but the important thing for me was that it was sustainable so that I could continue to maintain and not revert back to old habits.
Can you quickly summarise what results you’ve achieved since working with LEP Fitness?
5 stone weight loss! – Something that I thought I would never achieve, especially in such a short amount of time, and especially with the additional challenges of 2 lockdowns without access to a gym for 5/6 months of the year!
I’ve also completely changed how I see myself and feel a lot more confident thanks to the results I have achieved.

What’s the number one thing that you’re the happiest with achieving?
It’s 100% my body transformation, and the best thing is that the hard work has only just begun, and I look forward to what I can achieve next in 2021 with LEP Fitness.
Can you name three things that you’ve learned which have helped you the most?
Consistency is key – everyone has their up and down days but try to remain as consistent as possible. Especially with weight loss, sometimes I had great weeks, sometimes not so much, but as an overview, what was achieved over the time period was incredible.
The more you put in, the more you get out – there will be times where you’ve not noticed a change in a few days or a week, but that’s life.
There’s much more to it than dieting and exercise. Yes, they play significant parts, but there are other things you need to consider, such as mental wellbeing, sleep, work/life balance, and routines.

You continued to get results and lose weight/body fat despite two national lockdowns… How did you achieve this?
I had a good rhythm and routine in place before we went into lockdown, losing 2 stone before restrictions came into place. At that point, I knew I could achieve so much more…
I began to purchase gym equipment to do workouts at home (yoga matt, resistance bands, dumbbells, workout bench). I continued to watch what I ate, logging it on my fitness pal to ensure that I was still in a calorie deficit.
Most importantly, I committed to myself that for the entirety of lockdown (for which I was off work for a total of 5 months this year) that I would leave the house each day and go for a walk, anywhere between 4 to 14 miles a day – to keep moving and to ensure I wasn’t remaining within the same four walls 24/7
What type of training have you done to achieve such head-turning results?
At first, a lot of cardio training, but as I continued through my journey, I did resistance training with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, resistance band exercises and I have also done plenty of body weight exercises such as push ups, lunges, wall squats, etc.

What’s been the most challenging part of your journey?
Lockdown, not having access to the gym. But I wasn’t going to let this stop me. I invested in gym equipment, and we adapted the workouts to continue training at home.
What’s been the best part of joining LEP Fitness?
It is an all-inclusive service. It isn’t just about the workout session, and that’s it. It’s an agreement between yourself and Nick. What do you want to achieve, what’s you’re committed to this, what’s nicks commitment to you. A working partnership between you both to achieve the results you want to achieve.
What would you say about the level of service you’ve received?

Fantastic – and nothing short of it. I am able to contact Nick with any questions throughout the week, and he’ll get back to me ASAP. With lockdown, we’ve all been through a lot this year but working with LEP Fitness, adapting through the additional restrictions such as the gyms being closed means I’ve been able to achieve the results I have.
What would you say to anybody thinking of joining LEP Fitness?
Please do it. You’re in the hands of experts with LEP Fitness. They go above and beyond what you would get with any other personal trainers. There is no limit to what you can achieve with LEP. Best decision I have made in a long time!
Do you want to join the LEP Fitness tribe and get head-turning results?
Would you like results like Liam…

Liam achieved these results in just 6 weeks – Read Liam’s full story here.
How about results like Sam?

Sam got a six pack in just 8 weeks – You can read his story here.
Or Jan…

Or Ben…

If you said YES and you would like to look the best you’ve ever looked, please get in touch below…
In 8-12 weeks, you could have the body of your dreams. All you need is the right coach, a plan of action, and the discipline to follow through with the program…
If you do this…
Results are guaranteed.
P.S. you can work with me either face to face or online. Whatever suits you best.
Thanks for reading,

Nick Screeton – Founder of LEP Fitness