LEP Fitness



  • 26/02/2016

    Oh Balls! WARNING: This is going to burn like crazehhh! You can get a fantastic workout using a fitness ball! + They are pretty cheap (£7.99!)  In today's video I take you through a full body workout (stomach, legs, and arms). If you hav...

  • 18/02/2016

    Why Everybody needs a Resistance band for a friend... Resistance bands are fantastic, because... They are pretty affordable (£2.99!) You don't need a gym! You can use them anytime, anyplace, anywhere! Take up virtually no space! Th...

  • 03/02/2016

    Get Your Fat Burning Shoes On! What's our most valuable asset? Time. We don't seem to have enough of it nowadays? That's one of the main reasons I've taken the time to do this Fat Busting Workout which only takes 10 minutes! The other re...

  • 31/01/2016

    Eat Less + Train More = Fat Loss Makes sense right? Unfortunately fat loss can be much more complicated than that! Why You Need 3 Hormones on Your Side for Fat Loss Now i’m not going to go all Steven Hawkins on you and talk science gobbledegook...

  • 27/01/2016

    4 Weeks Into January 2016! Are you staying on track with your Health & Fitness Goals? If not! don't worry, I have something to help you get back to business. 3 weeks into January is when the high drop off rate starts, gym's become empty ag...

  • 12/09/2015

    This morning I really couldn't be bothered heading to the gym. I felt tired, weak, and had a thousand and one reasons to justify why I deserved a break! here's what I did instead. . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HGbYakTpWU Also check out s...

  • 20/08/2015

    What’s one thing that can put you in a bad mood faster than you can say . . . Obi Wan Kenobi? The title of this blog kind of gives it away . . . The Scales! Is this you??? If so your not alone, soooo many of us do it! I can pr...

  • 17/08/2015

    I don’t know many guys who take pride in owning a pair of chicken legs. Do you? But I do know Building your legs is a pain in the backside for 2 reasons . . . For 3 days after a session you walk around town like John Wayne. Workouts are brut...

  • 15/07/2015

    Do you want the good news or the good news? The good news is that everybody has a 6 pack. Yes! absolutely every living breathing, homo sapien species on our plant has a 6 pack! With my help we are going to reveal the secrets you need to know so...

  • 10/07/2015

    Last week I was approached by popular Men’s Fashion company The Idle Man, who asked me to write an article for their online fashion magazine. I am absolutely delighted to announce . . . Your Last Minute Guide To Achieving A Beach Body has...