LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • 6 tips to improve your running and stay pain-free 08/05/2020

    Lockdown life is now in full swing. I hope you're all coping and have managed to adjust your daily routines to suit?  I feel your pain... Times are challenging at the moment and who knows what will happen in the forthcoming months. I...

  • Benefits Of Bootcamps After Lockdown 08/05/2020

    As of writing this post, we're in Covid-19 lockdown (it's nearing the end of week seven)... Are you getting frustrated with not being able to attend the gym?  Are you missing your fitness classes and weekly bootcamp sessions? ...

  • What are the Dos and Don'ts for the Keto Diet 28/04/2020

    The keto diet has grown in popularity, but that does not mean you should just jump on the keto diet plans you read about online or heard about from your friends. You must first consult with your medical provider to make sure a keto diet will...

  • How to keep your personal training business alive during COVID-19 26/04/2020

    How is your personal training business doing during COVID-19? Are you still making money?  Or has business dried up like a raisin left in the sun?  How would you best describe your situation? My business is dying, and I'm s...

  • How to lose the weight and fat you haven't been able to shed for years... 25/04/2020

    Are you unhappy with what you see in the mirror?  Do you even look in the mirror anymore?  If you said NO to the above, I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way.  I want to help you because YOU, just like everyone else, d...

  • How to get active no matter what shape you're in now... 25/04/2020

    Lockdown is in full swing, and you've probably looked out of your window as well as scanned social media and seen several people exercising... When I first had an interest in exercise, I didn't know where to start or what to do, and everythin...

  • How to gain mental confidence so you no longer have to hide your gifts and talents 23/04/2020

    Do you have confidence issues?  Can you at times feel super confident while at other times feel insecure and weak?  Are you good at putting on a confidence front, but deep down you feel very insecure?  Maybe you struggle...

  • How Your Passion for Healthy Eating Can Transition into a Career 22/04/2020

    It’s been said that if you can somehow take your passion or hobby and transition it into a career, this is the true secret to job happiness and success.  Doing something you love as your “job” won’t feel like work; instead, it wi...

  • 7 Positive Effects Of CBD On Exercise 21/04/2020

    Is everyone at your gym discussing CBD and its benefits? Do you wonder how it can benefit you? If you are here, it is safe to assume that your questions are still unanswered. With the recent legalization and widespread awareness of its b...

  • 5 Things You Can Try to Help Improve Muscle Recovery 15/04/2020

    If your muscles are aching after workouts, if you have chronic ailments, or if you are dealing with age-related issues, you can turn to some proven strategies that will help your muscles recover.  You can mitigate the chances of muscle d...