LEP Fitness



  • What do all successful diets have in common? 14/08/2016

    So Many Diets! But What to choose? I don't know about you but it feels like a new diet pops up every single week? I swear you've got folks just making these diets up. I'm sure someones brain is ticking as I write this... "oh I know Lemons are low...

  • 13/08/2016

    Yep, This just went down the hatchet... If I told you I just ate 2 pizza's, 4 cookies and drank 1.5 litres of Coke in one sitting would you believe me?  Well I did! Call me a greedy git (I don't mind!) but it was frickin amazing. People are...

  • 07/08/2016

    The Gut is our bodies most underrated organ... Did you know that your gut is your largest immune organ?  Your gut can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It has the power to make you look and feel great. It also has the power to make you fee...

  • 18/06/2016

    I was in my own world (as per usual!), i’d just blasted out a 2hr leg workout and looked as though i’d been dragged through a hedge backwards, my face redder than a baboons bum! As I scanned my food through the robotic, self service tills at...

  • 12/06/2016

    You what Nick? Yep you heard me right. I eat a bag of skittles before I workout! But Skittles are full of sugar? Yes, that’s correct. Skittles are bad for you? Actually no there not, it’s all about context. No edible food is bad, the devil is...

  • 19/05/2016

    The 'protein shake conundrum' solved... Are you a person with a busy life-style? Do you want to enhance the shape of your body? Do you want to speed up your recovery after workouts? If the answer was ‘Yes’ to any of the above you ne...

  • 28/03/2016

    IIFYM... IIFYM - Stands for... 'If It Fits Your Macros' It's 'Pure Awesomeness!' IIFYM is a fantastic everyday tool which you can use to either shed body fat, or cultivate muscle - depending on your goal! What's great is that this method...

  • 11/03/2016

    Bye Bye Rabbit Food... The truth is dieting doesn't have to be boring (unless you want to become a professional bodybuilder - which most of us don't!) there are plenty of tasty choices which satisfy cravings, and which can be conducive towards your w...

  • 27/02/2016

    Taste Sensation! Yummy! OMG! I love these and the taste is of the richter scale! They are also incredibly quick and easy to make. How to make (chuck all ingredients into a blender for 20-30s): ▪40g Whey Protein (I like to use Optimum Nutri...

  • 16/01/2016

    Do you love porridge in the mornings??? Me too! Especially in the UK winter. Blooming freezing! Do you ever get absolutely hank marving (starving!) though after just a couple of hrs of eating a bowl? One way to increase your protein...