LEP Fitness


Personal Trainers

  • Becoming a Stand out Personal Trainer 17/03/2019

    The personal training industry is saturated with coaches. It’s extremely easy to become a PT - all you need to do is go on a 6-12 week course, pass a few basic exams and then you’re good to go! Whilst there are lots of people entering the...

  • 8 Tips To Grow Your Fitness Blog 14/03/2019

    So you’ve started your fitness blog and want to build a fanbase of loyal readers and attract paid opportunities - BUT how on earth do you do it? There are thousands of online fitness bloggers and with so much noise on the internet it can be...

  • Make Yourself a Better Personal Trainer 05/03/2019

    If you’re a personal trainer and want to become a master at your craft, attract more clients, grow your business, and make more money then this post is for you! You can Make Yourself a Better Personal Trainer by doing the following 4 things… #...

  • How to build a home gym 28/02/2019

    As you know, LEP Fitness has got a brand-new personal training studio, which offers the ideal environment to work out and achieve results... All fitness spaces (including this one) require some TLC to keep them looking their best. If you’v...

  • Are you a fully booked up personal trainer? Here's what you need to do next… 05/02/2019

    When you start out in the personal training industry it’s every coaches dream to be fully booked up! I remember when I started LEP Fitness (nearly 7 years ago!) at how desperate I was to find clients. I knocked on peoples doors, handed out f...

  • 5 reasons why I love being a personal trainer… 26/01/2019

    I've been a personal trainer for years now! I set up my own business LEP Fitness nearly 7 years ago. Being a PT is a fantastic career and here are 5 reasons why I love being a personal trainer… 1) You make an immediate difference to peo...

  • What to do with your client in their very first Personal Training session 24/01/2019

    When a client signs up for personal training sessions with you, what do you do in their very first session?  Do you do a bit of cardio, then weights?  Maybe you spend some time doing assessments before going into a session? Fitness tes...

  • 03/01/2019

    There are some incredible individuals in the fitness industry, those with an amazing amount of knowledge, passion and enthusiasm to help others and make our industry a better place. On the flip side our industry is also saturated with CON MEN, th...

  • How to attract the right type of clients to your personal training business… 11/12/2018

    When I started my business LEP Fitness (6 years ago now!) I didn't even consider what type of clients I wanted to work with.  In fact I was happy to take on anybody and everybody if that meant I could build up my business and have enough mon...

  • 3 ways to spot when PT clients are lying... 04/12/2018

    This post is mainly aimed at personal trainers who are struggling to get results with their clients, although clients can learn from this post too…  Embarrassing Story… When I first started LEP Fitness (just over 6 years ago!) I remember o...