Jamie Loses 12 lbs in 8 Weeks – Six Pack Body Transformation
Well done to LEP Fitness client Jamie, who has successfully lost 12 lbs over the last eight weeks. You can also see that he’s added more muscle and lost a lot of body fat from his stomach, where you can now clearly see his abs.
What’s very impressive is that he’s managed to achieve this body transformation during a four week lockdown period. Jamie has gotten in the best shape of his life by doing home workouts with minimal gym equipment.

In this article, I’m going to share what we’ve done…
Home Workouts
The year of Covid-19, lockdowns, and lots of uncertainty…
Despite this incredibly challenging year, lots of LEP Fitness clients have managed to achieve head-turning body transformations – check out the latest LEP Fitness success stories.
The only equipment Jamie had was two x 10kg spinlock dumbbells. Not ideal, but it gets the job done.
Jamie filled out an exercise questionnaire. I then designed him a bespoke plan to follow at home. I created a program with all the sets, reps, rest times, weights lifted, etc.
I also sent him video demonstrations for each exercise. I’ve recently created an ‘exercise portfolio’ of 300 exercises. This is to help clients further, and it also enables me to create custom exercise programs for anyone in the world.
I designed Jamie four different weights workouts, focusing mainly on the upper body, with a few leg exercises thrown in as well.
An example workout looks like this…
Floor dumbbell press (10-15 reps x 3 sets)
One-arm dumbbell row (10-15 reps x 3 sets)
DB clean and press (10-15 reps x 3 sets)
DB front to side raises (10-15 reps x 3 sets)
DB skull crushers (10-15 reps x 3 sets)
DB hammer curls (10-15 reps x 3 sets)
Alongside the weight training, I also set Jamie cardio to do each week, starting at 30 minutes x 3 days per week and gradually building up to 60 minutes over the eight weeks.
I also got Jamie to do a little more ab work the last four weeks of his program. I gave him exercises such as:
- Planks
- Russian twists
- Reverse crunches
- Crunches
For abs, he did a higher rep workout, 30-50 reps per exercise.
Custom Meal Plan
Like the exercise plan above, I also do the same with meal plans. Clients must choose foods they like – otherwise, they won’t stick to the plan!
I sent Jamie a questionnaire that he filled out and selected all the foods he liked (choosing from over 100 foods). I then designed a meal plan that would lead to fat loss.
Over the eight weeks, Jamie checked in with me every Friday with a photo and weight update. I then made gradual changes to make sure he kept losing weight. On average, he lost 1.5lbs per week – a very steady and sustainable weight loss.
Here’s an example day from Jamie’s meal plan…
- Breakfast – 50g chocolate whey protein shake
- Lunch – 250g chicken in Nandos sauce, with 2 x tortilla wraps and salad
- Snack – 1 x grenade carb killa protein bar
- Dinner – 4 bacon medallions, pasta, and sauce
I would make small tweaks each week to the quantities to ensure Jamie continued to lose weight and build muscle…

Voice Notes
Another thing I do each week is to send LEP Fitness clients a personal voice note. I go through the changes in their plan(s) and explain why I’ve made them and the next week’s goals. I’ve found this to be really helpful for clients, and I also like checking in with each online client. Not seeing people face to face is hard, so Zoom calls and voice notes are the next best thing.
Getting a body transformation is a team game. It requires skilled and specific coaching, but also a compliant client. You have to build a good relationship with each client and be able to trust one another.
Would you like to transform your body?
Would you like results like the ones below…

Jan lost 5 stone with LEP Fitness in 11 months – read Jan’s story here

Sam got a six pack in just 8 weeks – read Sams story here

How I went from 20% body fat to 8% body fat in 60 days – read my story here

Liam got ripped in just 6 weeks – read Liam’s fully story here
In 8-12 weeks, you could have the body of your dreams. All you need is the right coach, a plan of action, and the discipline to follow through with the program…
If you do this…
Results are guaranteed.
P.S. you can work with me either face to face or online. Whatever suits you best.
Thanks for reading,

Nick Screeton – LEP Fitness