LEP Fitness


Business Tips

  • 02/09/2016

    50 'FREE' Knowledge Bombs... For the next 5 weeks in a row, every Friday ill be posting 10 Awesome 'Free' Tips (50 knowledge bombs in total!) for personal trainers and PT business owners! I’ll be sharing  everything you need to know to become...

  • 01/08/2016

    1) I don't take life for granted Do you know how lucky you are to be reading this sentence right now? have you taken a minute to appreciate how lucky you are to have a pair of eyes that can see the world? There are people who don’t have the abil...

  • 16/07/2016

    Are you a personal trainer who want’s to stand out from the crowd?  "In an industry saturated with coaches (all claiming to get awesome results!) how do you stand out from the crowd?" Well of course there are many ways, and i’m going to be co...

  • 09/07/2016

    Thoughts are Things... Firstly, I highly recommend investing in this book 'Thoughts are Things' especially if your the type of person who wants to lead a kickass life. If your on a mission to become a better version of yourself… you just gotta...

  • 29/03/2016

    A week in Nick's Shoes... So for a while now i've been wanting to film a documentary sharing a very personal account of what I get up to in a week. A bit like Big Brother! but without the Geordie accent... "Day 32 in the Big Brother house!"...

  • 12/02/2016

    I Never Used to Read... Actually that's not true I did! I read 5 Goosebumps books, but that's about it. It was only really 6 years ago that I decided to pick up reading and it's now my 2nd favourite hobby (of course after weight training!)....

  • 08/02/2016

    Standing Out From The Crowd... Are you standing out or blending in with the other 22,000 personal trainers in the UK? What makes you unique to the industry, what's your USP? If you said... "because I get results!" that's what everybody el...

  • 27/01/2016

    The Best Book for personal training businesses who want to leap ahead of the competition in all social media platforms. Annihilation time baby! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTogOr7kq9Y Links: Gary Vaynerchuck website: https://www.garyvayn...

  • 16/01/2016

    £60,000... So the other day I sat down and figured out how much I had spent on my education (specifically health & fitness). The total? I've already given it away... £60,000! Yep, £60,000 smackkkaarooos That includes:...

  • 27/03/2015

    You have the skills but you just can't pay the bills ? Just because your a fantastic Personal Trainer does not mean you will get clients. Fact. . . There are many poor personal trainers out there who have a large following and a large cl...