LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • 10 Tips For Starting To Run (Without Hating It) 19/03/2020

    Not only does running have a whole host of health benefits, but it’s also free! Maybe you’ve been putting it off or have already tried it but given up? Here are 10 tips to get you started with running and, instead of making you hate it, make...

  • WHAT IS VEGAN 18/03/2020

    Many people are now turning to vegan diets for a number of different reasons. Increasingly, it seems that cutting meat out of our diets might be very important for the environment and helping to fight against global warming, but there are many o...

  • 10 traits all great personal trainers share 18/03/2020

    Would you consider yourself a stand out personal trainer?  Do you get better results than the other personal trainers in your area?  Do you provide more in the way of service, resources, and personal touches?  Do you get...

  • How to Stay Fit and Healthy When Life Gets in the Way 18/03/2020

    When you’re a busy person, your life can get in the way of some very important things. People often allow their professions and hobbies to get in the way of things like their health. The thing is, there are a few things in life you shouldn...

  • The Benefits Of Exercise On Mental Health 18/03/2020

    The importance of good mental health and its treatment has become a major issue in society.  More research and a number of celebrity sufferers brave enough to share their stories have dramatically reduced the stigma around mental health pro...

  • 5 Outdoor Workout Ideas for Spring 2020 16/03/2020

    The rain is slowing down, and the spring season is on the horizon. For the typical gym enthusiast, it's a breath of fresh air (literally!) to get some outdoor workouts away from the sweaty confines of the local gym club. Also, due to the Coronav...

  • Getting Yourself In Tip Top Condition With These Simple Health Tips 13/03/2020

    Getting in shape is super important, not only for your health and body but also for your mind.  Now, before you jump in at the deep end and start trying to get yourself in tip-top condition, make sure to consult with your doctor. I'm sur...

  • Why Improving Your Mental Health Will Help You Improve Your Physical Fitness 12/03/2020

    The link between physical and mental health is undeniable. When you work out, your brain releases endorphins to help you feel better. Working out can lead to improved sleep cycles, which can help you fall asleep faster. However, the opposite...

  • What is biohacking and why is it important in our day and age? 11/03/2020

    At some point in time, you must have heard or read something related to biohacking. If you haven't heard/read about the term itself, you must have seen many examples of biohacking on social media. The famous scientist, Manfred Clynes, came up wi...

  • The costs involved with getting fit for summer 10/03/2020

    Have you set yourself a fitness target for the summer? With warmer weather and fewer clothes to hide under + holidays to factor in, many of us aim to reach our peak when the summer months come back around. And we’re prepared to spend our money...