LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • The Benefits of CrossFit Training 25/01/2020

    People will always go through a point in their life in which they become conscious of their body. The reasons behind this may vary, and the duration of this phase varies as well. However, this is a great start to beginning a healthier life....

  • 4 Highly Effective Ways to Warm-Up Before Any Kind of Workout 23/01/2020

    Your warm-up is just as important as the rest of your routine. Choosing a warm-up that’s efficient, effective, and dynamic will help you avoid injuries and boost your fitness progress. You’ll be surprised at what a big impact on choosing the...

  • Fitness Marketing Power Tips for Enhancing Your Gym 21/01/2020

    In a world where looks say a lot, health is wealth and keeping fit is one of the keys to a long life, gyms are becoming a very important social facility. As such, everywhere you look, there are gyms and fitness houses and clubs promising you...

  • Blue Light Blocking Glasses - Do They Work? 20/01/2020

    Four weeks ago, I purchased some blue light blocking glasses from BluBlox. This was off the back of a recommendation on Ben Pakuliski's podcast (episode 68 of the Muscle Intelligence podcast) - where he talks about the effects of light exposur...

  • 5 Of The Best Pieces Of Gym Equipment To Use With Your Personal Training Client 19/01/2020

    If you're a personal trainer and want to get the best results with clients, there are three areas you need to focus on:  #1 Nutrition - Making sure your client is eating well: healthy nutritious foods, and ones that support their goals....

  • Health benefits and side effects of CBD oil 16/01/2020

    CBD oil or cannabidiol, the chemical compound found in the cannabis sativa plant family, is one of the very popular terms in the world of wellness today. More and more companies are extracting the most natural forms of CBD oil from hemp plants g...

  • Could CBD be the Key to your Fitness Success? 16/01/2020

    In the gym, we are always looking to maximise the effects of the work that we put in, to give our fitness a lift and our general health a boost, You might have heard of CBD – or cannabidiol – the compound which is found naturally in the cann...

  • 4 Ways To Boost Your Content For Your Personal Training Business 13/01/2020

    You've probably heard of the saying "CONTENT IS KING." Well, I'd like to slightly modify this statement and state that... "HIGH-QUALITY CONTENT IS KING."  In this day and age, pretty much every business needs to use social media. BUT m...

  • Fully Booked Up Personal Trainer : Get A Full Diary Of Paying Clients 10/01/2020

    If you're a personal trainer in a commercial gym and have a full diary of paying clients, you may be itching to take the step and set up your own private personal training studio? I got my PT studio built last year (Jan 2019), and it's been o...

  • best personal trainer in Sheffield - LEP Fitness 08/01/2020

    2020 is here, Xmas is over, and if you're like most people, you'll probably be feeling somewhat sluggish and dreading January!  For lots of people, January can be a very depressing month. It's dark, cold, and getting inspired/motivated c...