Health & Fitness Blog
From Hospitality To Personal Training | On A Mission To Transform Peoples Lives…
05/11/2019Hi, I'm Ollie! My passion in life is to help people both mentally and physically. I do this through 1-1 coaching sessions, while also helping my clients to develop a positive mindset and build positive habits into their daily routine. ...
5 reasons why you need to fire your personal trainer…
04/11/2019Hiring a personal trainer isn't cheap! If you're spending your hard-earned cash, then you want to make sure that you're getting the best return on your investment, don't you? The trouble is that there are lots of terrible personal train...
Get A Full Diary Of Personal Training Clients With These 7 Simple Steps…
04/11/2019Are you a personal trainer who's tired of being broke? Are you always wondering when your next client will appear? Don’t worry if you said YES, so are most PTs. Most go out of business or give up after less than one year in the indu...
5 Ways To Grow Your Personal Training Business When You’re At Maximum Capacity
28/10/2019Are you a personal trainer with a full diary of clients who wants to grow your business further? Maybe you're not quite at full capacity, perhaps you're doing 20-25 sessions per week, BUT are pretty close to being fully booked up and are thi...
5 essential pieces of equipment you need for a perfect home gym
28/10/2019Not everybody wants to workout at the gym! For some, the thought of going into a gym is intimidating and off-putting! A bunch of sweaty men and women throwing iron about and posing in the mirror! Who wants to go to a gym when you can wo...
How To Add 20lbs Of Muscle To Your Frame In 3 Months
28/10/2019Do you struggle to build muscle? Are you known as what's called a HARDGAINER - basically a skinny guy who finds it difficult to put on muscle size? Have you tried to build muscle in the past, BUT failed? Perhaps you've trie...
Factors that influence how much you can charge as a personal trainer
25/10/2019Are you a personal trainer, and would you like to increase how much you charge for your services? Perhaps you're not quite ready to increase your prices, BUT would like to know your future earning potential? If you said YES, to...
5 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power
24/10/2019Would you like to improve your ability to concentrate during the day? How about being able to retain more information and becoming twice as creative? Would you like to feel good both inside and out, have more motivation, And 'g...
5 Essential Muscle Building Tips For Guys In Their 20’s
21/10/2019Would you like a lean and athletic physique that gets attention from the ladies? How about some head-turning muscle mass that makes you look like the incredible hulk? If you said YES, then I have some incredible tips that are goin...
How To Increase Your Personal Training Prices?
21/10/2019Would you like to earn more money as a personal trainer? If you said YES, then I've got some tips to help you accomplish this! The trouble is that lots of personal trainers have no idea how to raise their prices. BUT don't...