LEP Fitness



  • 6 Running Essentials For Marathon Runners 30/09/2017

    You probably have been planning your wedding for months. Now that it is time to really put your plans into action, you take inventory of yourself. You may not have noticed that in all the showers, parties, and dinners that a few pounds snuck up o...

  • Reduce Your Out Of Pocket Healthcare Costs 01/08/2017

    No matter where you live, getting sick is a fact of life. Some of us get sick more than others and when we do, there are usually costs involved. First, there is the out-of-pocket expense for a doctor's care and prescription medications. Then there...

  • 13/09/2016

    I’m so frikin lucky, I get to work from home and have one of the best jobs in the world! Sometimes I have to pinch myself! It’s crazy! how did all of this happen? As I write this sentence the sun is shinning, I’m outside, i’m sat down...

  • 16/08/2016

    An unhappy Geezer with a six pack... It seems that most guys nowadays want a six pack! A ripped midsection attracts the ladies (apparently!) and gains you street cred with your mates and peers (maybe a bit of jealousy too!). But does having...

  • 4 Things You Need To Do When You Wake Up To Have A Healthy Day 16/08/2016

    Start as you mean to go on...  Everyday is an opportunity to make some good sh*t happen! Aiming to start the day positively is absolutely imperative and sets the tone for the rest of it. When I wake up the first thing I do is make my bed, and then...

  • 10/08/2016

    The King of all exercises... So in part 1 I talked all about why squats are bad for you and why you should avoid them! The main reason I said they were bad was due to the fact that most people are simply not ready to perform the squatting moveme...

  • 26/06/2016

    Elvis Legs! My best buddy Ryan can no longer walk, when he does his legs move of their own accord, they kind of look like Elvis's legs when he's dancing! We've just completed a brutal leg workout, so brutal in fact it's taken me the best part of...

  • 22/02/2016

    Childhood Obesity On The Rise... "25% of boys and 33% of girls in the UK, aged between two and nineteen years old are overweight or obese" Thats according to the most recent large-scale survey in the UK (1). I know that your reading this post be...