LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • The 5 Best Local Marketing Strategies For Personal Trainers 20/10/2019

    Are you a personal trainer, and would you like a full diary of paying customers?  If you said YES, then you need ways to draw customers towards your business! I'm not just talking about doing a few social media posts here and there, o...

  • How to Start a Fitness Business: 7 Things You Need to Know 20/10/2019

    If you’re the type of person that’s head-over-heels for fitness, having your own studio or club probably sounds like a dream come true. How difficult could it be? A lot of people that are new to owning fitness biz are asking themselves t...

  • How to Write a Bio for Your Personal Trainer Website's About Page 19/10/2019

    Writing a bio for your training website can be quite a stressful process! Every person has a story to tell - whether it's why they decided to become a personal trainer, or whether it's sharing your transformational fitness journey of how you...

  • 8 Secrets Behind Every Successful Workout 16/10/2019

    There are 168 hours each week! Bearing in mind that approximately 50 hours of that time is spent sleeping (7 hours per night), and 40 hours working, it doesn't leave very much time left. When you also add into the mix the daily chores, like wash...

  • The Secrets Of Getting A Six Pack : What To Do & What To Avoid 16/10/2019

    Most guys on the planet wouldn't mind a six-pack, how about you?  What about even just a four-pack, or some core definition? But the six-pack is the real deal, and it separates a good physique (4 pack!), from a jaw-dropping, head-turn...

  • Weighted Blankets: What’s the Fuss 15/10/2019

    Over recent months, you may have heard a lot about weighted blankets. These blankets have become increasingly popular and offer a range of benefits. Some people have seen a lot of fuss being made about weighted blankets but have no idea what the...

  • 10 Life Changing Books That Every Personal Trainer Must Read 14/10/2019

    Over the last 10 years I’ve read over 300 books, not bad for a kid who couldn’t read in school, and didn’t properly read a book until I was 20 years old! lol! Now, I’m totally obsessed with reading, and will read 2-3 new books per mon...

  • How To Squeeze Every Drop Of Value From Your Personal Trainer 13/10/2019

    Lots of people will throw money at a personal trainer, in the hope that they will quickly solve their weight loss problem, or use a magic wand and say… “abracadabra” …. And then out pops a sculpted beach body! lol.  It doesn’t...

  • Garmin Smartwatches: Perfect for Fitness 13/10/2019

    Over the last 30 years, Garmin has been known to make devices for the automotive, aviation and marine industries. It however recently began to delve into the fitness industry and has so far been recognized for notable success. Garmin watches for...

  • 5 Benefits of Promoting Your Personal Training Business Using Social Media. 13/10/2019

    Social networks have become a fairly familiar tool for promoting business online. And this is true for almost all segments - from B2B to personal business and brand. In this article, we have compiled the main advantages of promoting your per...