Health & Fitness Blog
Great Tips To Help You Work Out While Wearing Glasses…
21/09/2020Exercising with glasses can be quite a chore. If you’ve ever tried to, then you’ll know that it can be really unpleasant after a little while... Your lenses can get sweaty and foggy, they might fall off your nose while moving around, and...
4 Poor Habits of Workaholic Professionals
17/09/2020Workaholism like any other form of addiction, has damaging effects on one’s personal and professional life... Several studies overwhelmingly support the negative consequences of workaholism on an individual’s psychological and physical wellb...
5 Ways To Lose More Fat And Gain More Muscles
16/09/2020Losing weight is challenging, let alone if you want to build muscles as well. Most of the time, when people lose weight, they lose a lot of muscle mass. Cutting out too many calories and doing cardio is not the best way to lose fat and gain musc...
3 Ways COVID Has Changed The Fitness Industry
14/09/2020Cast your mind back to September 2019 and think about how different life was. I don't think anybody could've predicted the changes we'd see in the following 12 months! Life is very different, and so is the fitness world. COVID-19 has sp...
6 Things To Consider When Buying Workout Equipment For Home Use
11/09/2020If going to a gym is not a viable option for you, then chances are you’re already scouring the net for the best exercise machines you should buy for your home. Buying workout equipment for home use is actually a cost-effective investment as yo...
How Much Of An Impact Does HGH Have On Building Muscle?
10/09/2020HGH, otherwise known as human growth hormone, is a hormone that’s naturally produced by the pituitary gland. Its primary purpose is to support muscle growth, as well as cell regeneration and reproduction. If you’re injured, it’s your bo...
The Secret Key To A Fit & Healthy Lifestyle? Mindset
01/09/2020Mindset is one of the most important tools or hindrances we can curate in life... You’ve likely found this out through your own experience, as all of us are equipped with thoughts and beliefs, and sometimes they work for or against us. F...
8 week transformation : how I went from kebabs to abs in 60 days…
28/08/2020What does it take to achieve a head-turning 8 week transformation? Is it even possible? The answer is YES. Here's my 8 week transformation… The above transformation took 56 days (8 weeks on the dot!). In this article, I w...
Importance of Fitness and Wellness for Women and Moms
28/08/2020Fitness is an essential part of any health regime, and while you might associate the word with working out strenuously and regular trips to the gym, it doesn't have to be so. You can include gym sessions in your fitness routine – inde...
How Nutrition Can Elevate Your Family’s Health
24/08/2020Your family means the world to you. Your priority in life is to provide them with love, a happy home, and to nurture them in every way possible. Establishing healthy habits can benefit everyone in your home. Reducing screen time, avoiding st...